If you have received probation or deferred adjudication, you may think that your legal problems are over. However, both probation and deferred adjudication require that you adhere to the conditions set by the judge at your trial. Otherwise, you could go to jail or prison.
Our experienced team of criminal lawyers will spare no detail in investigating your case so that you have the best chance of beating the charges. Get in touch with one of our compassionate criminal law attorneys today for help.
Contact Kyle C. Simpson, Attorney At Law to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 210-224-4242
The consequences of the state revoking your probation or your deferred adjudication are significant. You could be sent back to prison to complete your full sentence. Or you could be convicted of the original crime for which you were charged; the judge has the ability to impose the maximum sentence allowed by law.
At our San Antonio law firm, attorney Charles Gold help clients who are facing revocation of their probation or deferred adjudication. These cases can be challenging, as the court does not have to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt, as they do at trial. Rather, they only need to demonstrate that the preponderance of the evidence supports a motion to revoke (MTR) probation or deferred judgment. As an experienced courtroom lawyer, I know how to build strong cases that can weaken the state’s claim.
When we fight an MTR, we first take the time to fully understand the issues involved. If the MTR was submitted because you are having problems staying off drugs, we can get you into a treatment program so that the judge can see that you are dealing with your problems proactively and extend your probation rather than revoke it. If you are having trouble meeting your probation officer when scheduled, we learn whether there are any mitigating circumstances. We may be able to explain why you were violating this condition of your probation and get the conditions changed.
For help with a motion to revoke, contact our San Antonio, Texas, law firm. We offer a free initial consultation, accept credit cards and will work with you to develop a payment plan that meets your needs. Call 210-224-4242 toll free.